Monday 24 January 2011

Now is the time for the delicious scents of Hacinths,the first spring blossoms and pretty delicate flowers like Ranunclus and Genista....mmm!

Thursday 20 January 2011

I have these framed seed packets in my studio.Seed packets make great favours.I did a Sunflower wedding once and all the guests got a packet of Sunflower seeds and had a Sunflower competition the following year!Brilliant!

In the winter months Orchids really come into their own.Vanda are my favourite-I always think they look like butterflies!They come in white,purples,pinks and oranges/reds.Always simply spectacular.

Monday 10 January 2011

I always drive past this flower stall and love to be updated on whats flowering locally in Cornwall at the moment.Yesturday I saw the stall full of Anemones on the way to the beach and on the way back they had all gone!It shows Im not the only fan of those jewel like gypsy flowers.All i can say is in the winter months hooray for the gorgeous sumptious velvetness of them!They really are one of my favourite-and locally grown-brilliant!

Friday 7 January 2011

This is such a good time of year to go for a walk in the woods.All those mince pies can be walked off while you appreciate all the evergreens and seed heads.I made this woodland bouquet a few years ago purely from plants and flowers from my garden and ivy berries from the woods.The succulents can be replanted after the wedding-making this a re-cyclable wedding bouquet!The japanese anemones are rambling woodland plants so are natural freinds of the ivy berries.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Happy New Year!
After all the sparkle,colour and razzmatazz of Christmas and New Year I find the first week of January I am thirsting for some simplicity and purity.Ranunculus and Tulips are freshly available in January and are about as pure and simple as it gets.Adding a zing of lime green kermit Chrysanths enhances the freshness and adds an extra energy-well needed as we head into the new year!